
Do you wish to join us?

  • Key figures
±  100
More than  1
sites in mainland France and in French Overseas Territories
60 /40
1 / 10
evaluation by the ex-employees of the company

The values of FranceTV Publicité

  • Openness
  • Liveliness
  • Sense of belonging
  • Respect
  • Solidarity

Many companies – and HRDs – speak about the strengths of the company on a collective and institutional level.
We, on the other hand, want our employees to speak for us. The testimonials below come from those who joined us as well as those who left us – just temporarily in some cases!

“Extremely warm welcome. Makes you feel important”

“The “welcome” meetings are really useful and help to integrate better in the company”

“The teams are happy to help, conversations are easy and smooth”

“A very pleasant working environment everyday”

“An innovative media company. The provided resources are highly developed and available in great numbers”

“The FTP adventure shall always remain a beautiful experience”

“Life at FTP is good, I really enjoyed it, it's a very compassionate company“

“I loved my job in the company, as well the relations between different departments of the company and those developed with my clients. I was very proud of selling such a rich service”

Also listen to what our employees have to say through our business videos.

Are you eager to join us? Respond to our job offers now!

See you soon!

Bandeau - Replay Novembre 2022