Trace Hits

  • Key figure
1 ère
musical radio channel in the entire region of Antilles-Guyana
listeners each day

Source : Médiamétrie Métridom Guadeloupe & Martinique  January-June 2022, Guyana April-May 2022

Launched in 2003, TRACE is a channel and a multimedia group for urban entertainment. Present in 160 countries, especially France, Africa, Caribbean and the Indian Ocean, TRACE publishes thematic TV channels, radio programmes, mobile services, digital platforms and develops events and programmes for the new multicultural and multi-ethnic urban generations. 

FranceTV Publicité Outre-Mer sells :

  • TRACE FM Guadeloupe, Guyana and Martinique.
  • Over the entire region of Antilles-Guyana, TRACE FM is the most played musical radio channel and the best radio channel for a young audience (< 35 years).

To listen to Trace FM, click here


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